Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Evelyn in Recent Months

It has been absolutely forever since I have posted anything on any sort of blog.  Ever since baby number three was on the way, I have been trying to spend my child-free time either getting work done around the house, or resting.  However, I decided that on today, Evelyn's 2nd birthday, it was about time that I posted some recent pictures of her.  I will post more soon of both the children.

After swimming in the kiddy-pool at my parent's, I took off her diaper and swimsuit, and she rushed down to swing.

E. loves my parent's lab, Emma.
Playing with the back of the two-sided tape that my parents were using when putting up their pool.

Sitting in the back of Gaffer's truck, watching everyone else work.

Warming up after swimming at Mrs. Wysocki's neighborhood pool.

"Who me?" she was asking.

One extremely tired girl fell asleep in the middle of dinner.  She has also done this one other time, mid-morning, where she proceeded to take a 45 min. nap, at the table.

I love it when she keeps her pigtails in her hair.  Unfortunately, they usually stay in place for a bout 2 min. before she removes them.

4th of July, eating fruit snacks.

E. and 26 week pregnant mommy (hence, I am hiding behind the chair.)

Waiting, very excitedly, at the bottom of the stairs for their cousins to come down and go swimming.

Swimming with Daddy on the 4th.

Daddy sometimes styles her hair while he is washing it.

This is my favorite, as she posed herself.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

More Family Fun

Evelyn, Gaffer, and Agnes or Therese

Making the inside of my pot cupboard their home.

(going found the table in clockwise order: Sebastian, Hugh, John Paul, Magdalene, and Edmund.

Melinda with (left to right) Agnes and Therese

Happy Lucia!

Patrick and Agnes

Magdalene and Edmund were teaching Sebastian how to climb over a fence.

Standing on the doghouse in the dogrun.

Taking a moment to warm themselves by the bonfire.

On their ship.

Magdalene and Evelyn.  At this point in the day, Evelyn has changed clothes after dumping cold coffee all over herself.

Hugh, Magdalene, and Edmund holding John Paul and Lucia's little brother, Henry.

Christmastime with Cousins, first of many

Here are some pictures of the kids with their Texas cousins.

Magdalene and Sebastian

Magdalene, Evelyn, Edmund, and Sebastian

Hugh and Evelyn

Sebastian with one of the twins, Therese I believe.  I had a picture of both Agnes and Therese, but the program keeps turning it sideways, so I will get another one some time.

My Little Girl

A few pictures of Evelyn, just because.

My little ghetto baby.

She climbed up and sat like this so as to play with the manger set. 

Attempting to take a picture for her godparents.
I didn't really love this photo until I realized that she had a 104 fever at the time.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Decorating the Tree

Here are a couple pictures of us decorating the tree.

These next few pictures were the following day.  Evelyn loves to put this canvas bag on her head and try to walk around (even though she can't see).  This is her narrowly avoiding the front door.

She thinks the tree is really pretty, so she was sitting in front of it looking at the lights and playing with this Styrofoam ornament.

Baptism Day

December 15th is Sebastian's baptism day.  This year we forgot this fact until late in the afternoon, but we did eventually remember.  Here are a few pictures from the day (we also picked up our Christmas tree, which you can see in the background of one of the photos). 

She got her bottle, her bear, sat down, and pulled the blanket over her lap. 

His little vestments that Godmother Amy made him.

Excited that we just put up the tree.